Smart Soldering Iron Tip is Disconnected

The iron is showing an error which indicates that the tip is disconnected.

The Tip Is Not Completely Inserted

  • Make sure the tip is fully inserted so the barrel of the tip is slightly below the surface of the Smart Soldering Iron that surrounds the tip insertion point.
Smart Soldering Iron Tip Connection Point

The Tip Connection Is Dirty or Faulty

The Internal Connection Socket Is Dirty or Faulty

  • Disassemble the smart soldering Iron and examine the internal socket for damage or debris. 
    • Make sure the socket has not come loose from the mainboard.
    • You can insert a soldering tip into the socket, and then with gentle pressure check to see if the socket is loose. 
  • Use contact cleaner to clean the socket contacts.

The Soldering Iron Tip Is Faulty

  • If you have another tip, try it in the iron to see if the error goes away. If it does, then the tip causing the error is defective and needs replacement. Contact support for help with replacement if the tip is still fairly new.

Contact Support

Contact support if you have tried these fixes for further guidance and help.